Why Are People Leaving California?

By PropertyClub Team
Jun 9th 2024
California has long been a symbol of opportunity, innovation, and natural beauty. However, in recent years, a growing number of residents have been bidding farewell to this iconic state. Read on to discover some of the reasons why people are leaving California.

hash-mark11 Reasons Why People Are Leaving California

  1. Soaring Cost of Living
  2. High Crime Rates
  3. Homelessness
  4. High Taxes
  5. Traffic Congestion
  6. State Politics
  7. Poor Schools
  8. Natural Disasters
  9. Lack Of Job Opportunities
  10. Drought and Water Scarcity
  11. Personal Reasons

1. Soaring Cost of Living

One of the main reasons people are leaving California is the high cost of living in the state. California is one of the most expensive states to live in, and the state’s soaring costs for housing, transportation, food, and various other expenses are significantly higher than in most other states. While California is home to many of the richest cities in the US, the high cost of living in the state is a burden for many average Americans. 

Consequently, this cost of living crisis has posed challenges for lower-income individuals. Many former California residents prefer to move to more affordable states.

2. High Crime Rates

High crime rates are another reason people are moving out of California’s big cities. Oakland has consistently ranked as one of the top ten most dangerous cities in the US. And most of California’s major cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, experience a higher crime rate than many other large cities nationwide. Statewide crime rates are also relatively high. This fact often leaves some individuals feeling unsafe­ and uncomfortable within the state.

Interesting Fact: California recently ranked as the 17th most dangerous state in America due to the relatively high violent crime rates.

3. Homelessness

California has a large homeless population, which is a problem that has been growing in recent years. This is due to several factors, including the high cost of living, lack of affordable housing, and mental health issues. The large homeless population can make some people feel unsafe and uncomfortable in California.

Interesting Fact: “California is adding more homeless people every year than any other state. More than 170,000 homeless people now live here.” Reports CNN

4. High Taxes

California, known for having the highest tax burden in the nation, imposes a range of taxes, including income, property, and sales taxes, on residents. These hefty tax obligations often prove to be an overwhelming burden for residents. Combined with the high cost of living, this creates a double whammy, where California residents need to earn more to maintain the lifestyle they want. Many may choose to move to lower-tax states that also offer a lower cost of living.

Interesting Fact: Income tax in California is progressive, with the top tax rate of 13.3% being the highest in the country

5. Traffic Congestion

California is widely recognized for its notorious traffic congestion, which can be a significant inconve­nience for its residents. The long commutes and frequent traffic jams greatly impede mobility and also contribute to he­ightened levels of stress and anxiety. 

Interesting Fact: Los Angeles has the 6th worst traffic in the US.

6. State Politics

California is one of the most liberal states in the US, and some have criticized its state government for being too left-wing. This has led some voters who do not enjoy living in a Democrat-run state to leave California in search of a more moderate or conservative political environment.

If you're looking for a more Republican-oriented state, be sure to check out the most conservative states in America

7. Poor Schools

California’s public schools are ranked below average compared to other states. This is a concern for some parents, especially those with children in public schools. 

Interesting Fact: California’s school system is not known for being all that good and typically ranks poorly in most reports, often in the bottom 5 or 10 in the country. 

8. Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are another reason some people leave California. The state is prone to a number of natural disasters, including wildfires, earthquakes, and floods. These disasters can cause damage to property and infrastructure and can also displace residents.

9. Lack Of Job Opportunities

California’s overall robust economy often faces a dearth of job opportunities in specific sectors, as well as a lot of competition for available jobs. This is most noticeable­ in high-cost regions like Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. San Francisco and San Jose, in particular, have been ranked as some of the most competitive job markets in the country. 

The high level of competition for available employment options creates challenges for individuals seeking work and often leads to people leaving California's cities for cities and states that offer better opportunities. 

Interesting Fact: The unemployment rate in California stands at 4.6%, which is higher than the US national average of 3.8%.

10. Drought and Water Scarcity

Many areas in California are suffering severe droughts and the state is home to some of the driest cities in the US. The impacts of California’s water scarcity extend beyond immediate concerns about water availability. The agricultural sector, which relies heavily on water for irrigation, faces a delicate balancing act between crop production and resource conservation.

Farmers have had to make tough choices, sometimes following fields or switching to less water-intensive crops, which can have ripple effects on the state’s economy and food supply.

11. Personal Reasons

Some people also leave California for personal reasons. These can be anything, but some of the most common reasons are to be closer to family or friends or to pursue a new job opportunity in another state. 

hash-markWhy Are People Leaving California Bottom Line 

There are a number of reasons why people are leaving California. If you are considering leaving California, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Consider your financial situation, your career goals, and your personal preferences when making your decision.