10 Most Conservative States  

By PropertyClub Team
May 23rd 2024
The most conservative states are known for their strong Republican presence and conservative values. This article will help you discover the ten most conservative states in America in 2024.

The following states, ranging from Mississippi to South Carolina, showcase a significant leaning towards conservative ideologies, with many having Republican-controlled governments. Whether it's the government structure, the voting population, or both, these states stand out for their dedication to conservative principles. Read on to find out more about each state and what makes them a bastion for conservative voters

hash-mark10 Most Conservative States (2024)

  1. Mississippi
  2. Alabama
  3. Wyoming
  4. West Virginia
  5. South Dakota
  6. Tennessee
  7. Oklahoma
  8. Arkansas
  9. Utah
  10. South Carolina

hash-mark1. Mississippi

The most conservative state in the US is Mississippi. As of 2024, roughly 51% of Mississippi voters identify as conservatives, which is the highest percentage of any state. All three of Mississippi’s governing bodies, the State Senate, House of Representatives, and Governor’s position, are controlled by the Republican Party. Additionally, both the Attorney General and Secretary of State are Republicans, making Mississippi both a government trifecta and triplex. Overall, Mississippi is the state with the most conservative people.

hash-mark2. Alabama

The second-most conservative state in America is Alabama. This state has a voting population of about 5.07 Million, and 46% of these voters consider themselves conservative. Currently, both Alabama’s State Senate and House of Representatives have Republican-controlled supermajorities, and the Republican Party also holds the state’s Governor’s seat. In addition to this trifecta, the Attorney General and Secretary of State are Republicans, making Alabama the second-strongest conservative state in the nation. 

hash-mark3. Wyoming

Wyoming is one of the most Republican states in America due to its very right-wing residents. Although only 31% of this state’s 581k residents identify as conservative, the Wyoming is also home to many moderate Republicans and libertarians, making it a right-wing stronghold. Both Wyoming’s House of Representatives and State Senate are controlled by the Republican Party. In fact, these institutions have one of the most favorable Republican majorities of any state, with 57-5 in the House and 29-2 in the Senate. The state’s Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are also Republican, making Wyoming the third-most conservative state in the country.

hash-mark4. West Virginia

West Virginia is also one of the most conservative states in America. This state is home to roughly 1.78 Million voters, 45% of whom align with conservative ideology. As of the 2022 election, the Republican Party holds supermajorities in both the West Virginia House of Delegates and the State Senate. Additionally, the current Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are all members of the Republican Party. This status as both a Republican trifecta and triplex makes West Virginia one of the most conservative states in the nation.

hash-mark5. South Dakota

South Dakota is another one of the most conservative states in the US. This state holds a voting population of about 910k, and roughly 44% of these voters identify as conservative. According to 2022 election data, the Republican Party holds a supermajority in both the South Dakota House of Representatives and the State Senate. With a well-established Democratic governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State, South Dakota is both a Republican trifecta and triplex, keeping this state home to conservative ideology. 

hash-mark6. Tennessee

Tennessee is another popular choice among conservative voters in the South. This state is home to about 7.05 Million residents, 43% of whom describe themselves as conservative voters. All of Tennessee’s governing bodies are controlled by the Republican Party; this includes the House of Representatives, State Senate, Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State. While the partisan split in the House of Representatives remained 75-23 in the 2022 election, the Republican Party increased its standing by four seats in the State Senate. 

hash-mark7. Oklahoma

Oklahoma is also one of the best conservative states to live in as it's affordable, and has a strong economy. About 43% of this state’s 4.02 Million residents identify as conservative or conservative-leaning. While Oklahoma’s House of Representatives did lose one seat to the Democratic Party in 2022, it still remains a Republican supermajority. The State Senate, on the other hand, increased its Republican supermajority by one seat. Additionally, Oklahoma’s status as both a Republican trifecta and triplex maintains its status as one of the most conservative states in the USA. 

hash-mark8. Arkansas

Arkansas is another Republican-controlled state. It has a voting population of about 3.05 Million people, and 41% of these voters resonate with conservative thinking. In 2022, the state’s House of Representatives increased its Republican majority by four seats, and the State Senate also gained two Republican seats. Additionally, the state’s Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are all currently occupied by Republicans. 

hash-mark9. Utah

Utah has long been a favorite among Republican voters, with about 41% of the state’s 3.38 Million residents considering themselves conservative. The state’s House of Representatives and Senate are both controlled by the Republican Party, but only the House has a supermajority. In fact, the House recently increased its supermajority by three seats in the 2022 election. The state also remains both a Republican trifecta and triplex, making it a great area for those who prefer a government with conservative values. 

hash-mark10. South Carolina

South Carolina is also one of the most conservative states in America. This southern state has a total voter population of about 5.3 Million, and roughly 41% of these voters align with the Republican Party. Per the 2022 election, the entire South Carolina State Legislature is led by the Republican Party. Additionally, South Carolina has both trifecta and triplex status, making it another southern staple for conservative living. 

hash-markMost Conservative States in the USA Compared



Conservative Voter %

Trifecta Status


2.94 Million




5.07 Million







West Virginia

1.78 Million



South Dakota





7.05 Million




4.02 Million




3.05 Million




3.38 Million



South Carolina

5.3 Million



hash-markMost Conservative States in the USA Takeaways

In conclusion, the ten most conservative states in America are solid examples of Republican strength and conservative values. From Mississippi, the most conservative state, to South Carolina, each state has its own way of showing its political leanings. Whether you are looking for a state with a strong conservative government or one with a significant conservative voting population, these states are the top choices. Understanding the political landscape of these states can give you insight into what makes them unique and important in the broader picture of American politics.

hash-markMost Conservative States FAQs

1. What Are the Most Affordable Conservative States to Live In?

The most affordable conservative states to live in are Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The cost of living in each of these states is below the national average, and they are also some of the cheapest states to buy a home in as of January 2024. 

2. What Are the Safest Conservative States to Live In?

The safest conservative states to live in are Wyoming and Utah, both of which are among the safest states in the US. Mississippi is another one of the best red states to live in if safety is a concern as it has a relatively low violent crime rate of 296 per 100,000, which is 30% below the national average.