Essential Real Estate Guides

Principal Agent Problem in Real Estate

The principal-agent problem is a concept in economics and contract theory that describes situations where one party (the principal) delegates work to another party (the agent), and the interests of the agent might not align with those of the principal. In the context of real estate, this problem often arises between homeowners (principals) and real estate agents (agents). Here’s a detailed look at how the principal-agent problem manifests in real estate:

1031 Exchange NYC: Rules & Guide

A 1031 exchange, named after Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, allows real estate investors to defer capital gains taxes on the sale of investment properties by reinvesting the proceeds into a like-kind property. In New York, as in other states, the rules governing 1031 exchanges are subject to federal regulations, with some state-specific considerations. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the 1031 exchange rules:

NYC Heat Law: 2024 Requirements

NYC heating season begins on October 1st and continues through May 31st. During these colder months, NYC heat laws require your landlord to ensure your apartment is sufficiently warm. Read below for more information about the NYC heat laws and your remedies if you find yourself in a situation where your apartment lacks sufficient heat.

New York Sublet Laws and Legality Guide

In NYC, it's legal to sublet an apartment under specific circumstances. Regular tenants (those who don't benefit from affordable or public housing) must get permission from their landlords or property managers before subletting their apartments. Landlords may have specific criteria that tenants must meet in order to sublet, such as maintaining a good rental history, obtaining proper insurance coverage, or adhering to certain subletting procedures.

Renting Versus Buying in NYC: Full Guide

The main advantage of buying in NYC is that you can build equity and the property can appreciate in value. However, the costs of purchasing are much higher than renting. When you consider that NYC is notoriously expensive for renters and home buyers alike, making the wrong decision can end up costing you a small fortune.

Real Estate Lawyers in NYC: Do You Need One?

Buying or selling an apartment in NYC is a significant transaction that should not be taken lightly. As such, it's not advisable to consider purchasing a co-op or a condo without consulting with a real estate lawyer first. An experienced NYC real estate attorney is an invaluable asset and will help ensure your purchase goes smoothly. 

ACRIS NYC Property Search Guide

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to use ACRIS NYC to search property records, deeds, and other documents. We’ll help you better understand what the Automated City Register Information System is as well as how to perform a search using main options.

NYC Sublease Agreement Guide

Subleasing an apartment can seem daunting at times. Many NYC landlords make it difficult to sublet, but you almost always have the right to sublease. We'll explore some of the legal nuances of subletting and walk you through the process of how to sublease your apartment.

Flex Wall Installation and Price Guide

A flex wall, also known as a a temporary wall can be a great way to partition your apartment. Flex walls aren't very expensive, but they can be tricky to install as you do need landlord approval to put one up in your apartment.

Real Estate Tokenization Guide

When it comes to possible applications for blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the real estate industry the most exciting would be the tokenizing of real estate. We’re taking an in-depth look at how to tokenize a property as well as the legal, regulatory, and technical challenges involved.

NYC Buyer and Seller Closing Costs Guide and Calculator

Learn about buyer and seller closing costs in NYC with our guide and calculator. Whether you're buying or selling a condo, co-op, or townhouse, we'll cover it all from taxes, bank fees, and legal fees to who pays for what to how to calculate your estimated closing costs.