How Much Should I Save Before Moving Out?

By PropertyClub Team
Jun 9th 2024
You should generally save between $6,000 and $12,000 before moving out. You'll need this money to find a place to live inside, purchase furniture, cover moving expenses, and pay other bills. You'll also want to have enough money saved up for an emergency fund before moving out.

hash-markMoney Required for Moving Out

  1. Covering Bills 
  2. Keeping Debt Under Control 
  3. Rent Payments
  4. Rental Fees and Deposits
  5. Renter’s Insurance
  6. Protect Your Credit Score
  7. Emergency Fund
  8. Enough Money to Stay a Year
  9. Roommate Consideration 
  10. Buy Second-Hand Furniture

hash-markCovering Bills 

Make sure you have enough money to cover your bills every month. Your monthly expenses will include utility bills which typically include electricity ($50 - $150), water ($20 - $60), gas ($30 - $100), trash ($10 - $40), and sewer (often included in the water bill). For internet and cable, expect to pay $40 - $100 for internet and $40 - $150 for cable, though many opt for streaming services instead. In total, it should range from $100-$400 a month.

Map out other expenses for the location you intend to move to. Think about rent, food, utilities, emergency costs, and funds for going out. Add everything together and jot down the number. Then, take your monthly income. Subtract the expenses from the money you make with your job.

A negative number indicates you’re not ready to support yourself. Wait a little longer. It’s better to avoid leaving than drown in debts and unpaid bills that will haunt you for the rest of your life.

hash-markKeeping Debt Under Control 

Ideally, you want a debt-to-income ratio of no more than 43%. In the best case, it will be less. Debt is a hindrance for those who want to move out. If you have huge debts, it doesn’t make much sense to move out and rent your own apartment.

Make a goal for ending your debt, and then determine the day you’ll move out of the area. Speak with anyone helping you with this income ahead of time to get everyone on the same page.

hash-markRent Payments 

Make sure you are able to make monthly rent payments for at least the next 6 months. If you can’t make the payments the landlord requires, there’s no point in moving everything out of your current occupancy. Most landlords also require you to make at least three times the rent and pay the first and last month upfront, along with a security deposit. It’s a lot.

If you can’t afford the rent in the place you love, there are two options. You can wait to move out or downsize to a smaller apartment. Neither is ideal, but they’ll save money and get you on your feet faster.

hash-markRental Fees and Deposits 

Make sure you have the funds to pay the first and last month’s rent and the security deposit, which is usually equal to the rent. Some spaces require additional payments for application fees, admin fees, or background checks. Others need utility deposits.

You should have extra money set aside for any additional fees the landlord might charge. Not having money is a surefire way to lose an apartment.

hash-markRenter’s Insurance 

Renters insurance typically costs between $15 and $30 per month, depending on factors such as the coverage amount, location, and any additional coverage options you choose. Renter’s insurance is a must, especially when you’re supporting yourself for the first time. Bad things can happen in the blink of an eye. You need rental insurance to defend yourself from the unexpectedness of life.

Although you don’t need rental insurance, it’s something you should hesitate to skip. Consider waiting to move out until you can afford the cost of this protection for your life. You never know when it might come in handy.

hash-markProtect Your Credit Score

It’s all too easy to damage your credit score when moving out for the first time. A late payment can cause it to drop several points, which might look bad to future landlords and prevent purchases of items like cars.

If you’re thinking about moving out, consider how prepared you are to handle payments on a credit card and other financial priorities. If you aren’t ready to keep your credit score intact, it might not be time to move yet.

hash-markEmergency Fund 

At a bare minimum, you should have at least $1,000 in an emergency fund before moving out. For even more security, aim to increase your emergency fund until it’s equivalent to 2 months of living expenses. An emergency fund is a must for anyone, whether moving out for the first time or renting your fifth apartment. These savings provide additional defense in case of the unexpected. For example, you never know when an illness, car accident, or other financial crisis might occur

hash-markEnough Money to Stay a Year 

If you don’t have excellent job security but want to move out, a good idea would be to have enough money to stay at least a year in your new place. A lease is a commitment that the landlord will hold you to in most cases, and you’ll be responsible for rent even if you lose your job or have financial difficulties. 

If you don’t have so much money saved, you can also consider a month-to-month lease, but it will typically be more expensive to live in a place with a lease that only goes for a few months. A year is an ideal length for the landlord, and your monthly rent will likely be lower when you sign a long-term lease.

hash-markRoommate Consideration 

One way to increase the chances of moving out is to find someone willing to live in the same area as you. You can split the cost of living with them, from the price of groceries to the rent payments every month.

It’s vital to be smart when selecting a roommate. There are plenty of disaster stories online about nightmare roommates, so make sure you find someone you get along with and can trust. Try to get a friend to occupy the space with you or someone you know well. You can take it slow to see if you work together and go from there.

hash-markBuy Second-Hand Furniture

Unless you come from money, living by yourself for the first time means sacrifice. You’ll need furniture to make your apartment a comfortable living space. To be ready to move out, you need to be willing to invest in second-hand furniture instead of brand-new pieces on the market.

There are plenty of used furniture options online and at thrift stores around the country. Ensure you clean the piece before making it a permanent fixture in your space. A willingness to do this deems you ready to get out of your current home.

hash-markMoney Required for Moving Out Bottom Line

Before moving out, it's crucial to have your finances in order to cover monthly expenses like rent, food, and utilities without added stress. Begin by mapping out all potential expenses for your new location, including rent, food, utilities, emergency funds, and leisure activities. Calculate your total expenses and compare them to your monthly income.

If your income doesn't cover your expenses, consider waiting until your financial situation improves. Managing debt is essential; aim for a debt-to-income ratio of no more than 43%. Ensure you can consistently pay rent, which often requires earning at least three times the monthly rent and being prepared for upfront costs like the first and last month's rent and security deposits.

Additionally, budget for renters insurance, as it provides crucial protection against unexpected events. Maintain a good credit score by handling payments responsibly. Establish an emergency fund, ideally equivalent to at least two months of living expenses, to safeguard against unforeseen financial crises.