What is a Juliet Balcony?

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 7th 2024
A Juliet balcony, also known as a Juliet guard or French balcony, is a narrow balcony or railing that is placed just outside a window or a pair of French doors on an upper floor of a building. They vary in size and dimension, but most run the width of the door or window yet only extend out a few feet or even inches, meaning that Juliet balconies are much narrower than typical balconies. 

hash-markHow Big is a Juliet Balcony?

Unlike traditional balconies, Juliet balconies are not meant for standing or sitting. They typically protrude only a few inches from the wall or not at all. Some Juliet balconies may offer enough space for a chair or potted plant, while others are more decorative than functional, just offering enough space to lean onto the railings and get a better view outside. A Juliet balcony will always feature an entrance and railing to protect residents but isn't long enough to be considered a standard balcony.

hash-markWhy Is it Called a Juliet Balcony? 

The term "Juliet balcony" is derived from the famous scene in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," where Juliet stands on her balcony to speak with Romeo. In one of the most iconic scenes in the play, Juliet stands out on a similar type of balcony and recites the famous line "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo." This type of balcony was popular in Europe when Shakespeare wrote the play. The style eventually found its way to New York City, where it's frequently referred to as a Juliet balcony.

A Juliet balcony can add curb appeal and a bit of romanticism to an apartment, making it very popular. They are also cheaper to build than traditional balconies. 

hash-markCan You Walk onto a Juliet Balcony? 

It depends on the size and construction, but most Juliet balconies can support your weight. If the Juliet balcony offers a few feet of space, you can sit or stand on it quite easily.  You may even be able to place a lawn chair on the Juliet balcony to sit on. Others are too shallow for residents to stand on but offer space to store your bicycle or hold a lawn ornament. Some are too narrow or old to place anything on but offer a way to open up the room on nice days. 

A Juliet balcony does not provide the full range of functions that a standard balcony would – so don't expect to host a dinner party or barbecue on one. But they often offer enough room for residents to stand and watch the world go by or enjoy a drink after work. Or, at the very least, let in some air when it gets stuffy inside.

hash-markWhat Is the Point of a Juliet Balcony? 

Juliet balconies are mainly designed to add curb appeal to an apartment, making the building look more attractive and prestigious without a regular balcony's construction or safety concerns. Plus, they give the apartment interior an added sense of luxury and sophistication that many residents look for in an apartment.  

hash-markJuliet Balcony Uses

Although Juliet balconies are mostly for decoration, meaning they don't have a particular functional purpose, you can still use them in a variety of ways. You can use them to store outdoor items like a bicycle or sports equipment or as a place to enjoy a cigarette (as long as the landlord allows smoking). Many residents decorate them with Christmas lights or potted plants to give the unit a more festive look. Or you can step out onto your Juliet balcony when you want some air, or you want to do some people-watching in the streets below.

hash-markJuliet Balcony Bottom Line

A Juliet balcony is a stylish and functional architectural element that enhances the appearance and functionality of buildings. While not designed for outdoor activities, it provides safety, and improved light and ventilation, making it a popular choice in various types of buildings. It is also an additional stylistic element that many tenants and homeowners like because it provides a touch of romanticism.