Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Charlotte

Jul 26th 2024
Charlotte is a rapidly growing city with a vibrant economy and countless attractions. However, like other large cities, Charlotte has many areas with high crime rates. Here are the twelve most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte to help you stay safe while visiting or moving to the city. 

hash-mark12 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Charlotte

  1. Pinecrest
  2. Lincoln Heights
  3. Lakewood
  4. Tryon Hills
  5. Grier Heights
  6. Seversville
  7. Smallwood
  8. Hidden Valley
  9. Plaza-Shamrock 
  10. Washington Heights
  11. Enderly Park
  12. Beatties Ford-Trinity

hash-mark1. Pinecrest

The most dangerous neighborhood in Charlotte is Pinecrest. This area is often described as the worst area in Charlotte to live in. Pinecrest has a low population of only 227, but the total crime rate is a whopping 529% higher than the Charlotte average. Residents often complain of rampant property crime, with violent crimes like shootings also being common. Pinecrest has an active gang presence which adds to much of the neighborhood’s crime. 

hash-mark2. Lincoln Heights

Lincoln Heights is another one of the worst neighborhoods in Charlotte, as it suffers from a disproportionately high violent crime rate. With a population of 2,376 and a total crime rate that is 449% higher than the Charlotte average. Lincoln Heights has an active gang presence, with shootings being common. Many residents don’t feel as though police are able to adequately patrol the neighborhood. Other types of crimes, like property theft, car theft, and burglary, are also common.

hash-mark3. Lakewood

Lakewood is another one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte. Lakewood has a population of 887 and a crime rate that is 435% higher than the Charlotte average. Lakewood has long been one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte, but some parts of the area have gentrified in recent years. However, most of the neighborhood still suffers from high violent and property crime rates. While residents may feel safe in some areas of the neighborhood, many other parts become dangerous at night. 

hash-mark4. Tryon Hills

Tryon Hills is also one of the worst neighborhoods in Charlotte. The neighborhood has a population of around 1,600 and a crime rate that is 391% above the national average. Tryon Hills is a low-income neighborhood with many residents living below the poverty line. Tryon Hills has a high violent crime rate with homicides, robberies, and various types of property theft being common. 

hash-mark5. Grier Heights

Another one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte is Grier Heights. Grier Heights has a population of 2,958 and a crime rate that is 365% higher than the national average. Grier Heights has a high property crime rate, with burglaries and property thefts being a problem in the area. Violent crime does occur, but much of Grier Heights has undergone gentrification, pushing some of the criminal elements out of the area. 

hash-mark6. Seversville

Seversville is a dangerous Charlotte neighborhood with a population of only 603 and a crime rate that is 323% above the national average. While some parts of the neighborhood have been renovated, many areas still struggle with violent and property crime rates. Many residents report Seversville becoming more dangerous at night. However, as the area begins to gentrify, crime rates have been decreasing. 

hash-mark7. Smallwood

Smallwood is a neighborhood near downtown Charlotte with a population of 1,183. Smallwood has a violent crime rate of 3,168 per 100,000 people, which is 305% above the city average. The most common types of crime in Smallwood include property theft, robbery, car theft, and assault. Many of the schools in the area are poorly rated and don’t receive adequate funding. However, some people live in Smallwood due to low rent costs and its proximity to downtown. 

hash-mark8. Hidden Valley

Hidden Valley is another one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte. Situated between US Route 29 and I-85 in northeast Charlotte, Hidden Valley is a residential neighborhood close to many parks and local businesses. Although predominantly a middle-class neighborhood up until the 1970s, Hidden Valley has since become a major hub for drugs and gang activity. The total crime rate is 9,211 incidents per 100,000 residents, which is 299% higher than the rest of the US. The violent crime rate is 584% higher than the national average, and your chances of being the victim of a crime in the neighborhood are 1 in 11. 

hash-mark9. Plaza-Shamrock 

Another one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte is Plaza-Shamrock. This neighborhood in northeastern Charlotte is known for having high crime rates but has been recently gentrifying. With a population of 3,078, Plaza-Shamrock has a crime rate that is still 297% above the Charlotte average. Plaza-Shamrock has historically had a reputation for being one of the most dangerous parts of Charlotte, but many new and renovated homes are being built in the area. Property and violent crime tend to be worse in areas near E. Sugar Creek and the Giant Penny. 

hash-mark10. Washington Heights 

Washington Heights is located just north of downtown Charlotte and has a population of 2,018. The violent crime rate in Washington Heights is 3,082 per 100,000, or 294% above the national average. Washington Heights still has issues with property crime and theft despite recent renovation efforts. Violent crime has been known to occur in certain concentrated areas of the neighborhood. 

hash-mark11. Enderly Park

Enderly Park is a neighborhood in northwestern Charlotte with a notoriously bad reputation. With a population of 3,249, Enderly Park has a violent crime rate that is 292% higher than the national average. Gentrification has yet to affect Enderly Park, and many areas are derelict and lacking services. Crimes like murder, theft, and robberies are known to occur in certain parts of Enderly Park, making it one of the worst places to live in Charlotte. 

hash-mark12. Beatties Ford-Trinity

Beatties Ford-Trinity is another one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Charlotte. Located in north Charlotte, about 9 miles from downtown, Beatties Ford-Trinity is primarily a residential neighborhood adjacent to Hornets’ Nest Park. Although showing signs of improvement, Beatties Ford-Trinity still suffers from a high rate of crime. Beatties Ford Road is known for being a hub of drugs, gun violence, and prostitution, and there have been several documented shootings since 2022. The total crime rate in Beatties-Ford Trinity is 4,611 crimes per 100,000 residents, which is 12% higher than the rest of Charlotte and 98% higher than the rest of the US. Violent crime is 71% higher than the national average, and you have a 1 in 22 chance of being the victim of a crime in the neighborhood.