I Make $70k a Year, How Much House Can I Afford?

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 24th 2024
Determining how much house you can afford on a $70,000 annual salary involves considering various factors, including your down payment, debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, credit score, interest rates, and other financial obligations. Here’s a detailed guide to help you estimate your affordability:

hash-markCalculating How Much House Can You Afford With $70,000 Income

Calculate Monthly Gross Income

  • $70,000 annual income / 12 months = $5,833 monthly gross income

Determine Maximum Housing Expense (28% Rule)

  • $5,833 * 0.28 = $1,633 maximum monthly housing expenses

Estimate Total Monthly Debt Payments (36% Rule)

  • $5,833 * 0.36 = $2,100 maximum total monthly debt payments

Assuming you have minimal additional debt, your monthly housing budget is approximately $1,633.

hash-markThe Rule of Thumb of Home Buying 

When looking to buy a home, lenders and financial experts expect several guides from you. One of the significant rules of thumb by financial experts when buying a house or taking out a mortgage loan is that you should only take out a mortgage that is not more than 2 to 3 times your annual income. Going by our case study, your max mortgage amount should be around $140,000 to $210,000.

Another significant rule of thumb by mortgage lenders is that your PITI, that is, Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance, do not exceed 28 percent of your gross monthly income. And that your monthly recurring debts (debt-to-income ratio) do not exceed 36 percent of your monthly gross income.

While the above statements are more of a guide, they are not set in stone. In general, an individual who earns $70,000 might afford a home worth anywhere from $200,000 to nearly $400,000. That is because several variables go into determining your home buying budget. Lenders will typically have to consider your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, down payment, mortgage interest rate, and several other factors.

In the following section, we'll analyze how these variables may affect the amount of home you can afford with an annual income of $70k.

hash-markHome Affordability by Interest rate

Regardless of your annual income, the interest rate you qualify for will play a considerable role in the loan amount or the amount of home you can afford. If your annual income is on the moderate-income scale, being able to time your home purchase when the interest rates are low is one of the easiest ways to bump up your home buying budget.

Below is a tabular representation detailing how much home you can afford based on the interest rate you receive from a lender.

Annual Income

Desired Monthly Payment

Interest Rate (Fixed-30 year)

How Much Home You Can Afford

















hash-markHome Affordability by Down payment

Just the interest rate you receive, the money you put towards your down payment will also influence how much home you can afford. While most mortgage loan types will require a minimum down payment of 3%, the more down payment you make, the larger the amount of home you can afford.

For example, here's how much a home buyer making $70,000 a year might afford depending on their down payment savings:

Annual Income

Desired Monthly Payment

Down Payment (%)

How Much House You Can Afford



$9,742 (3%)




$18,226 (5%)




$39,556 (10%)


hash-markHome affordability by debt-to-income ratio

When determining how much home you can afford, your debt-to-income or DTI ratio plays a considerable role. Your debt-to-income is simply the summation of all your monthly recurring debts, including your mortgage payment against your income. The higher your monthly debt, the lesser income you will have to make your mortgage payments.

Annual Income

Monthly debt

Mortgage payment

How Much House You Can Afford













hash-mark3 Ways to Increase your Home Buying Budget on $70K a Year

With the rising price of homes in the U.S, you may have to increase your mortgage amount or save more money if you hope to buy a worthy house on a $70k annual income. Below are three ways you can increase your home buying power. 

  • Increase Your Down payment

If you have the financial means, putting down at least 10-20 percent of the home sale price can help bump your home buying power. If you cannot save up enough money to raise your down payment, you can take advantage of down payment assistance programs in your area. 

  • Pay Down Your Existing Debt

By paying down your debts such as credit card debts or auto loans. Like in our above example, by reducing your monthly debt from $300 to $200, you can raise your maximum home loan from $364,525 to $384,777. 

  • Improve your Credit Score

When giving out a mortgage loan, most conventional loan lenders tend to consider a borrower's credit score and history. Your credit score reveals to the lender the amount of risk involved in giving you a loan. By improving your credit score, you can easily qualify for the best loan terms and lower interest rates, reducing your monthly mortgage payments in the long run. 

hash-markHow Much House Can You Afford on $70k Bottom Line

Based on the above calculations, with a $70,000 annual income, a good credit score, minimal additional debts, and a 20% down payment, you could afford a home in the range of $300,000. However, it's essential to consult with a mortgage lender to get a personalized assessment based on your specific financial situation, current interest rates, and the local housing market. This will ensure you have an accurate understanding of your home-buying budget.