How to Level a Yard

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 20th 2024
A bumpy and uneven lawn can look unattractive and also cause a variety of water drainage and safety issues. Leveling a yard can improve its appearance, functionality, and drainage. Whether you're dealing with small bumps and dips or larger uneven areas, the process generally involves several key steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to level a yard:

hash-markTable of Contents

What Is Yard Leveling?
How To Level Your Yard
Leveling a Yard Bottom Line
How to Level a Yard FAQs

hash-markWhat Is Yard Leveling?

Yard leveling, also known as lawn leveling is the process of removing or adding soil until your lawn is even and flat. Over time, natural shifts in earth and wear and tear cause lumps and uneven spaces in your yard. Bumpy lawns can cause all kinds of problems, from looking bad to making activities such as soccer and the like more difficult.

Tools and Materials Needed to Level a Yard

  • Shovel: For digging and moving soil.
  • Rake: For spreading soil evenly.
  • Topsoil or Sand: For filling in low spots.
  • Lawn Roller: To compact the soil.
  • Water Hose or Sprinkler: To moisten the soil.
  • Measuring Tape and Stakes: To mark and measure the area.
  • String Level: To check for evenness.

hash-markHow to Level Your Yard

  1. Assess the Yard
  2. Check For Water or Gas Lines
  3. Mow Your Lawn
  4. Prepare Your Soil Mix
  5. Level Small Bumps and Depressions
  6. Level Larger Areas
  7. Compact the Soil
  8. Seed or Sod
  9. Water Your Lawn

1. Assess the Yard

The first step in leveling a yard is to assess the situation. Walk around the yard to identify uneven areas. Mark these spots with stakes. Then, determine the cause of unevenness, such as poor drainage, tree roots, or settling soil.

2. Check For Water or Gas Lines

Before you can start to level your yard you need to make sure that you know where any water pipes or gas lines are running through your lawn. If you dig in the wrong spot, you can damage these fixtures, which can cost thousands of dollars in materials and labor to repair. It's important to be prepared so that the process of leveling your yard goes as smoothly as possible. 

3. Mow Your Lawn

The next thing you should do to prepare your yard for leveling is to mow the grass as short as possible. The shorter your lawn is, the easier it will be to level it out. At the same time, you should also detach and remove any weeds from your yard. You should remove the majority of thatch your can but try to leave at least a small layer to help your lawn absorb water. 

4. Prepare Your Soil Mix

After you've mowed and prepped your lawn, the next thing you'll need to do to level your yard is to prepare your soil mix. You will need to make a mixture out of sand, topsoil, and compost. This kind of mixture will serve as the base of your lawn and does not compact easily. Make sure that you use gloves when making your topsoil mixture.

5. Level Small Bumps and Depressions

Start by leveling small bumps and depressions. For minor bumps, use a shovel to remove soil from higher areas and redistribute it to lower areas. For small depressions, add a mixture of topsoil and sand (or just topsoil) to the low spots. Spread it evenly using a rake.

6. Level Larger Areas

Now it's time to level larger areas. For large, uneven areas, remove the grass sod and set it aside. Add topsoil to the low areas and spread it evenly. Use the string level to check for evenness. Replace the grass sod over the newly leveled soil and press it down firmly.

7. Compact the Soil

Use a lawn roller to compact the soil. This helps to eliminate air pockets and ensures the soil settles evenly. Water the soil lightly to help it settle further.

8. Seed or Sod

If you removed grass or created new bare spots while leveling your yard, reseed the area or lay new sod. Water the newly seeded or sodded areas regularly to encourage growth.

9. Water Your Lawn

Lastly, you need to water your lawn. Watering your lawn will help the topsoil settle and fill any remaining air pockets in the soil. You can also look at where the water pools to find more places that you need to level out. If you need to, you can also add a bit of grass seed if you want to spruce up your yard a bit, or there are some bare patches. 

hash-markLeveling a Yard Bottom Line

Yard leveling is an essential part of your lawn maintenance, as it ensures your yard is free from bumps and looks great. A bumpy law not only looks unattractive but can also be a potential safety hazard and cause trips and sprained ankles. Uneven yards can also cause problems with drainage, flooding, and damage underground structures such as pipes and sewage reservoirs. 

Leveling a yard requires careful planning, the right tools, and some physical effort. By following these steps and maintaining your lawn regularly, you can achieve a smooth, attractive, and functional yard. Whether you’re addressing minor bumps or significant unevenness, a level yard enhances your outdoor space and makes it more enjoyable.

hash-markHow to Level a Yard FAQs

1. Why Should You Level a Lawn?

An adequately leveled lawn is key to having a happy and healthy lawn. Having a level lawn makes it easier to mow as your lawnmower won’t be scalping the tops of the dirt. Also, having uneven dips can cause the mower blades to go too low, making the grass cut very unevenly.

Dips and holes in your lawn can also collect standing water, which can cause rot and other lawn diseases. So there are several reasons why you should keep your yard as level and even as possible. 

2. What Causes Lawn Bumps? 

Before trying to fix an uneven lawn, you first need to figure out what is causing the lumps in the first place. Removing the cause is an integral part of finding a long-term solution. The most common reason for bumpy lawns is water and drainage problems. Standing water can pool up and damage the integrity of your grass. 

Similarly, if you have a sprinkler system, that can be the culprit too. Sprinkler system pipes can burst and leak, causing lumps to appear on the surface. One way you can diagnose this problem is to check any sprinkler heads and fixtures. Check for low water pressure and make sure that the sprinkler heads are coming up all the way. Also, check to see that the nozzles are not clogged or damaged. 

Natural ground movements can also cause a bumpy lawn. Over time, dirt naturally shifts can settle in uneven ways. This is unavoidable and will happen to any lawn, given enough time. Heavy rainfall can accelerate this process, as well as freezing in cold climates. 

Lastly, bumps and divots can be caused by burrowing animals such as badgers, gophers, insects, and even domestic animals such as dogs. 

3. What Equipment Do I Need to Level a Yard?

The basic equipment you will need to level a lawn is a simple rake, a landscaping rake, a shovel, a wheelbarrow, and a large push broom. You can also buy a leveling rake from your local hardware store. Landscaping rakes are very useful as they can break up clumps of dirt and remove rocks, but they are not explicitly necessary to level a yard. 

4. When Is the Best Time to Level Your Yard?

As is the case with most other landscaping tasks, there is a best time to level your yard. In general, spring is the best time to level your yard. This is because the soil is an ideal mix between dry and moist, and your grass has already had some time to grow for the season. Grass is in the active stage during the spring, so it is the healthiest and most resilient to landscaping efforts. If you live in a colder climate, you can also level your yard in the summer without too many problems.