ESA Letter for Housing Guide

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 11th 2024
Emotional support animals (ESA) provide essential comfort and companionship to their owner. Many buildings don’t allow pets unless they are classified as emotional support animals (ESA), but not just any pet can be certified as an emotional support animal.

An ESA (Emotional Support Animal) letter for housing is a document written by a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) that states your need for an emotional support animal as part of your treatment plan. This letter allows you to keep your ESA in housing that may otherwise have restrictions against pets.

Here is how to get an ESA letter for housing:

hash-markTable of Contents

How to Get an ESA Letter for Housing
ESA Housing Letter Example
Can a Physician Write an ESA Letter?
Do Emotional Support Animal Letters Expire?
Do ESA Letters Cost Money?
How To Get an ESA Letter Bottom Line

hash-markHow To Get an ESA Letter For Housing

  1. Choose a Provider
  2. Go Through the Pre-Screening Process
  3. Complete a Live Consultation
  4. Receive Your ESA Letter

1. Choose a Provider

The first thing you have to do is find a provider willing to write the ESA letter. If you’re already seeing a therapist or other mental health professional who is aware of any conditions that require an emotional support animal, they can write a letter for you. You can also ask your regular physician, although some may be reluctant if they are not familiar with your mental health history. If neither of these is an option, there are plenty of reputable websites and services where you can request an ESA letter, but you will have to do a consultation and answer several questions about your mental health.

2. Go Through the Pre-Screening Process

The next step is to go through the pre-screening process. Typically, you will be asked to fill out a quick form that will ask you questions about your mental health to determine if you are a good candidate for an emotional support animal. This screening questionnaire is confidential and will feature questions about you and your pet. Not everyone is a good candidate for an ESA, and not every pet is equipped to provide emotional support. This pre-screening will determine whether there is a legitimate need for an emotional support animal and whether the relationship is ideal for both you and your pet.

3. Complete a Live Consultation

If you pass the pre-screening, you will be asked to complete a live consultation with a licensed therapist. They will then verify whether or not you have a legitimate mental health problem that can be treated with the help of an emotional support animal. Some common mental health conditions that qualify include anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, ADHD, stress, and PTSD. During this live consultation, the therapist will confirm that you do in fact suffer from a mental health problem and that your animal legitimately helps you cope with the symptoms.  

4. Receive Your ESA Letter

If everything checks out, you should receive your ESA letter after the consultation. The letter will include the name of the licensed mental health professional who wrote it, the name and phone number of the practice, the type of medical license the doctor holds, and the date it was issued. It should not state any of your private medical issues, but it will state that you have a qualifying condition to receive an ESA Letter. Once you have the letter, you can present it to any landlord or property manager to prove that you need the pet for medical reasons.

hash-markESA Housing Letter Example




[NAME OF PATIENT] is my patient and has been under my care since [DATE].  I am aware of his/her history and with the conditions imposed by his/her disability.  He/She meets the definition of disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

Due to a history of mental illness, [PATIENT] has limitations regarding [CONDITIONS OF PATIENT’S DISABILIY].  In order to help cope with these limitations, and to enhance his/her ability to live alone and to fully use and enjoy the home/apartment you own and/or manage, I am recommending an emotional support animal that will assist [PATIENT] in dealing with the effects of his/her disability.

I am professionally acquainted with the wide range of expert research concerning the therapeutic benefits of assistance animals for patients with disabilities similar to those experienced by [PATIENT].  If requested, I will share said research and gladly answer other questions you may have concerning my recommendation that [PATIENT] have an emotional support animal. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.




hash-markCan a Physician Write an ESA Letter?

Yes, a physician can write an ESA letter. Only authorized medical professionals can write an official ESA letter. This could be your primary care physician, a licensed mental health professional (such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist), or a licensed general physician.

In most cases, it’s best to have a therapist or other mental health professional write the letter. They will be the best equipped to diagnose your problems and suggest the need for an emotional support animal. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to a therapist, your primary care doctor is another option. But they may refuse if they don’t feel like they know enough about your struggles with mental health. 

hash-markDo Emotional Support Animal Letters Expire?

No, emotional support animal letters do not come with an official expiration date like a driver’s license. However, some landlords may refuse to accept any letter with an issue date over a year from when it was submitted. Therefore, most experts suggest having ESA letters renewed annually. 

The letter will feature the doctor’s contact information so the landlord can check the document's validity. If this contact info is out of date, the landlord may believe it’s fake or ask for an updated version. If you have a qualifying condition, then it shouldn’t be difficult to get a new letter. However, you can avoid this awkward situation altogether by ensuring that your ESA letter is accurate and up to date before looking for new housing.

hash-markDo ESA Letters Cost Money? 

Yes, an ESA letter may cost you money. If you use an organization that specializes in providing ESA letters, the cost will typically be between $100 to $200 for an ESA letter. If you go with your regular therapist or primary care doctor, they may not charge you an additional fee. But you are still paying for their services, either out of pocket or through your insurance.

But be wary of any organizations that charge an exorbitant fee for an ESA letter, especially if they don’t require a consultation with a licensed therapist. These are scams and likely won’t be accepted by a landlord. While there are plenty of legitimate outlets where you can get an ESA letter, you have to be careful of scams. Make sure to verify the credentials of the doctor and the organization before requesting an ESA letter from a third-party source. 

hash-markHow To Get an ESA Letter Bottom Line

Obtaining an ESA letter for housing involves consulting a licensed mental health professional who can verify your need for an emotional support animal. This letter ensures that you are legally protected under the Fair Housing Act, allowing you to keep your ESA even in housing with no-pet policies. Always ensure your ESA letter is legitimate and up-to-date to avoid complications with housing providers. Getting an ESA letter will make finding housing for you and your pet much easier.