12 Popular Wall Texture Types for Your Home

By PropertyClub Team
Jun 8th 2024
Knockdown, orange peel, sand swirl, and slap brush are among the popular types of wall textures in 2024. These designs are easy and straightforward, making them a popular choice among many homes. Whether you want an accent wall or a way to cover an architectural error, wall textures are the way to go inside your home.

Whether you've already decided on textured walls or are still debating between smooth vs textured walls and want to see your options, you’ve come to the right place! Read on to learn more about some of the best drywall textures for 2024 and how you can apply them to your space all by yourself.

hash-mark12 Popular Wall Texture Types for Your Home in 2024

  1. Knockdown
  2. Orange Peel
  3. Sand Swirl
  4. Skip Trowel
  5. Slap Brush
  6. Slap Brush Knockdown
  7. Hawk and Trowel
  8. Venetian Plaster Finish
  9. Spanish Lace
  10. Spray Sand
  11. Comb
  12. Popcorn

1. Knockdown

The knockdown wall texture has quickly become one of the most popular choices for homeowners. The application is simple, and the result is a warm-feeling texture that adds depth to any space. It’s a texture that looks like it belongs in a Mediterranean home.

Knockdown walls are excellent because they can fit inside any room. The application process is similar to other walls, so you can take the skills you learn here and apply them to other texture applications.

How to Apply Knockdown?

To apply knockdown wall texture:

  1. Sand and prime your walls first.
  2. Thin drywall compound and apply it to the wall using a spray gun and compressor.
  3. Run a roller over the top of the applied compound.
  4. Repeat the process until you achieve the desired texture.
  5. Use a trowel to smooth out any bumps or "knock down" the surface as needed.

2. Orange Peel

The orange peel design is perhaps the most common wall texture. It’s common because it’s easy to apply and affordable for anyone to access. The orange peel texture looks and feels like a citrus rind, hence the name.

This texture is ideal because it offers an understated accent to any space. It’s something extra without being too much, excellent for any bedroom or gathering space.

How to Apply Orange Peel?

To apply an orange peel wall texture:

  1. Sand and prime your walls.
  2. Take drywall and apply it with a spray gun and compressor.
  3. Run a roller across the surface before it hardens.
  4. Repeat this as many times as is needed.

3. Sand Swirl

Sand swirl is also one of the best types of drywall texture. This texture mixes the comb and spray sand textures, both of which we’ll go over a little later. When finished, the sand swirl will make it look as if an ocean has appeared right on your wall.

Sand swirl walls are excellent because they hide imperfections well. If you want a flaw hidden, a sand swirl texture can cover it instantly. It draws the eye while also drawing the eye away from what you don’t want people to see.

How to Apply Sand Swirl?

To apply sand swirl texture:

  1. Mix sand and water and let it sit overnight.
  2. Apply the sand mixture to the walls. 
  3. Use a thick brush to create a swirling texture on the walls. 
  4. Allow the texture to dry completely. 
  5. Repeat the process as necessary to achieve the desired result.

4. Skip Trowel

Skip trowel is one of the most challenging drywall textures to get right, but it’s the most satisfying if you want a look that resembles stucco. It can take a lot of time to get this one right.

If you have enough time on your hands, applying skip trowel by hand can cover imperfections in your wall and add personality to a space. It adds a dramatic flair to a room.

How to Apply Skip Trowel?

To apply skip trowel wall texture:

  1. Use a curved knife to apply layers of drywall or plaster to the wall.
  2. Angle the knife and let it skip over the surface in a circular motion to create texture. 
  3. Run a trowel over the surface at an angle to further enhance the stucco texture

5. Slap Brush

Slap brush is a natural look that fits well in a home that seeks to achieve a rustic theme. It’s also one of the most fun to put on a wall, so if you like action in your home, trying slap brush will be an exciting experience.

This texture resembles a rigid sunburst if applied correctly. It also takes a few materials to complete the look, beneficial to anyone trying to make their house perfect. 

How to Apply Slap Brush?

  1. Mix drywall compound into a liquid.  
  2. Apply the mixture to a small section of the wall.
  3. Take a slap brush, apply more liquid to the tip, and slap it onto the wall.
  4. Repeat the process until the entire wall is covered with the slap texture

hash-mark6. Slap Brush Knockdown

Slap brush knockdown combines the slap brush and knockdown technique. The result is a flatter version of the slap brush texture, which leaves a smooth and intricate pattern.

Slap brush knockdown is ideal for those who love the idea of slap brush but don’t want the texture to be as in your face. This texture is more subtle in a space.

To apply this texture, follow the same method as the slap brush. Once you do this, you can proceed with the knockdown technique to smooth down the textured bumps. From here, you can paint the wall in any style you want.

hash-mark7. Hawk and Trowel

Hawk and trowel is another modern type of drywall texture. This texture resembles waves on your wall. It’s not often used and is sure to draw the eye in your home. This drywall texture is ideal if you want to make a statement. It’s an organic design that pairs well in a space looking to take inspiration from the natural world.

Applying hawk and trowel takes practice. You’ll use a hawk and trowel to alternate adding drywall to your wall. It’s critical to move fast since this material dries quickly.

hash-mark8. Venetian Plaster Finish

Although it’s been around for years, the Venetian plaster finish is the most modern choice on this list. It’s a gorgeous, sleek style that incorporates splashes of color while covering the entirety of your wall.

Venetian plaster finishes are ideal because they add a professional, museum-like quality to any wall. Once applied, your space will gleam in a way that makes it look more expensive than it is. There will be tons of gorgeous textural and color variations hidden on the surface.

This texture takes a little more effort to work within your home. You’ll need plaster, marble dust, and water. Mix these to make a putty-like substance. From there, you can spread the putty on the wall with a trowel. Overlap the layers for gorgeous variations in color, sure to appease any visitor. You should do at least seven layers. Once it’s done, buff out the layers for a smooth finish.

hash-mark9. Spanish Lace

Spanish lace is the wall texture you need if you’re looking for elegance. It’s full of life and can help cracks and other issues blend into the wall. It can serve as an elegant cover.

Spanish lace takes practice to accomplish correctly. It will look best in a room that needs something ornamental to accompany the interior sections. If your room lacks patterns and textures, a wall filled with Spanish lace will fix things for you.

To put Spanish lace on a wall, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, apply a thin layer of drywall to the wall of your choosing. Next, carve the motifs into the drywall. You’ll repeat this until the wall is up to your standards. It might take a few tries to get the look right.

hash-mark10. Spray Sand

Spray sand is a texture that pops on a wall. It’s like orange peel, but it doesn’t have the same cracks and distance between the bumps. The application process is also different, so it’s up to you to determine which is best for you.

This texture resembles a layer of sand attached to the wall. It’s a gorgeous style that will draw the eye around the space without being too distracting.

To apply the spray sand texture, there are a few steps you’ll need to follow. Mix a bag of sand with primer. Then, let it sit overnight. The next day, use a spray gun to put this mixture on your wall. With any luck, you’ll have a cohesive accent wall at the end of your process.

hash-mark11. Comb

The comb drywall texture provides a gorgeous look in a room. It resembles the texture a comb would produce if dragged across the surface, hence the name. If you’re looking for an accent wall with a vintage vibe, comb is ideal. It resembles a rainbow or fish scales on a wall.

To put the comb texture on your wall, you’ll need to do a few things. First, apply the drywall compound to the wall. Then, find yourself a toothed trowel. You’ll use this tool to add the design to the wall at your pace. 

hash-mark12. Popcorn

The popcorn wall is one of the most types of drywall texture. They were a staple back in the 70s, and many homes have kept them to this day. Though many hate it, there’s a charm that comes with the popcorn wall. 

Popcorn walls are excellent because they hide imperfections well. If you want something hidden, a popcorn wall can cover it instantly. It draws the eye while also drawing the eye away from what you don’t want people to see.

This type of wall is one of the cheapest options. To put it up, all you need is popcorn texture, an air compressor, and a hopper gun. You’ll need to mix the popcorn texture with water and then spray it on your wall. Once it dries, you can paint it any color you want to match your home.