Lead Based Paint Disclosure Guide

Jun 24th 2024
A lead-based paint disclosure is a federally mandated document that is required for the sale or lease of any property built before 1978. This disclosure aims to inform buyers or tenants about the potential presence of lead-based paint, which can pose significant health risks, especially to children and pregnant women.

hash-markTable of Contents

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Laws
Who is Exempt From Lead-Based Paint Disclosure?
Lead-Based Paint Landlord Responsibility Tips
The Harmful Effects of Lead-Based Paint
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Bottom Line
Lead-Based Paint FAQs

hash-markLead-Based Paint Disclosure Laws

Landlords are required to follow specific federal laws regarding lead-based paint disclosure. The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Act, introduced in 1992, led to strict guidelines for homes built before 1978. These guidelines exist to protect residents from the dangers of lead-based paint, which can be very harmful, particularly as it starts to disintegrate and break down. What’s more, the negative health implications of ingestion or inhalation of lead are especially dangerous for children. 

hash-markWho is Exempt From Lead-Based Paint Disclosure?

Anyone selling or renting a home built after 1978 is exempt from lead-based paint disclosure. Additionally, there are a number of other exemptions from lead-based paint disclosure, which are as follows:

  1. Housing Built After 1977: Properties constructed after January 1, 1978, are exempt because lead-based paint was banned for residential use in 1978.
  2. Zero-Bedroom Units: This includes lofts, efficiency apartments, and studio apartments where the living area is not separated from the sleeping area.
  3. Leases for Less Than 100 Days: Short-term rentals, such as vacation homes, with lease durations of 100 days or fewer, are exempt from the disclosure requirements.
  4. Elderly Housing: Housing designated for the elderly (62 years or older) is exempt unless children under 6 years old live there. This includes properties such as retirement communities and senior living facilities.
  5. Handicapped Housing: Housing specifically for the disabled is exempt unless children under 6 years old live there.
  6. Rental Housing Certified as Lead-Free: Properties that have been inspected by a certified inspector and found to be free of lead-based paint are exempt. This requires a certification process to confirm the absence of lead-based paint.
  7. Foreclosure Sales: Sales of residential properties that are part of a foreclosure process are exempt from the lead-based paint disclosure requirements.

hash-markLead-Based Paint Landlord Responsibility Tips

  1. Know the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Laws
  2. Give Tenants a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
  3. Include Any Additional Inspection Reports You Have
  4. Provide Tenants with Additional Information About Lead Paints
  5. Save and File the Signed Disclosures

1. Know the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Laws

When leasing a property that contains lead-based paint, you need to be familiar with local, state, and federal disclosure laws. Remember that the most important thing is to ensure you are clear and communicate the hazards to tenants. You will, of course, need to jump through some legal hoops to ensure you are protected from liability as a landlord. 

2. Give Tenants a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure

A lead-based paint disclosure should be part of every landlord’s leasing documents if their property is not exempt. This disclosure should state all hazardous areas that the landlord knows about. For example, if you know there is lead-based paint underneath newer coats of paint in a particular room, that must be stated. The disclosure should also state that both you and the renting party are aware of the conditions and have agreed to them. If you are concerned about accurately claiming the presence of lead-based paint, you should have an attorney write or review your disclosure.

3. Include Any Additional Inspection Reports You Have

Landlords should also include property inspection reports, as these can help residents make informed decisions. What’s more, they show that you, as a landlord, have performed your due diligence in ensuring the property has been inspected and is as safe as possible. 

4. Provide Tenants with Additional Information About Lead Paints

Landlords must also provide their residents with materials provided by the HUD and EPA that state the dangers of lead-based paints. This is to ensure that landlords are protected legally and that tenants are aware of hazards and know how to keep themselves safe.

5. Save and File the Signed Disclosures 

Keep signed lead-based paint disclosures filed away safely in case you should need to reference them for legal reasons. It is a legal requirement that these disclosures are kept for a minimum of 3 years. Remember, you don’t have to have repeat tenants sign the disclosure year after year unless there have been additional hazards discovered since they originally signed. While ensuring you have your bases covered might be a bit of a hassle, it’s well worth it. Not only is lead-based paint harmful, but fines for not meeting requirements can be as much as $50,000.

hash-markThe Harmful Effects of Lead-Based Paint

Exposure to lead-based paint can lead to lead poisoning, which can be very dangerous and even fatal, particularly for children. The residue left by lead-based paint can have harmful health effects, and children may touch walls or paint dust and then put their hands in their mouths. This makes them more likely to ingest lead. Furthermore, their growing bodies, brains, and nervous systems are more susceptible to lead’s detrimental effects.  

 According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of lead poisoning include:

  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mood disorders
  • Memory issues
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Miscarriage or stillbirth
  • Fertility issues
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Developmental problems
  • Learning difficulties
  • Seizures

hash-markLead-Based Paint Disclosure Bottom Line

Landlords who own properties built before 1978 must perform their due diligence by presenting tenants with a lead-based paint disclosure. Since lead-based paints can pose health risks, this disclosure isn’t just a formality but a legal requirement for landlords of older homes. Providing lead-based paint disclosure ensures that potential buyers or tenants are informed about the risks of lead-based paint and can make safe and informed decisions. Compliance with these regulations protects public health and prevents legal liabilities for property sellers and landlords.

hash-markLead-Based Paint FAQs

1. When is lead-based paint disclosure required?

Lead-based paint disclosures are required for all homes built prior to 1978 unless otherwise officially exempt. If you are unsure, you may need to have your property officially inspected to determine the presence of lead-based paint. 

2. Do all homes built before 1978 have lead paint?

Homes constructed prior to 1978 likely have some lead-based paint in them. Houses built between 1960 and 1977 are less likely than older homes to contain lead-based paints, but the likelihood is still somewhat high. In the 40s and 50s, approximately 70% of homes contained lead-based paint. Because of this, it’s better not to take a risk or make an assumption that an older home does not have any lead-based paint. Sometimes, lead-based paint may be hidden under layers of newer paint, wallpaper, or construction materials, but it is still present. 

3. Can I sell a house with lead paint?

Yes, it’s legal to sell a house with lead-based paint, but you need to disclose your knowledge of the presence of lead-based paint. If you’re unsure, you can have your home tested, but it may be a bit pricey. Often, buyers who are aware that a home is older may request a test for lead-based paint. 

4. Should I buy a house with lead paint? 

If considering the purchase of an older home, it’s recommended that you request a lead-based paint inspection. If there are some small amounts of lead-based paint present, you can hire a professional to renovate and deal with this issue. However, larger amounts may be cause for concern, particularly if you have younger children. If you plan to buy an older home with lead-based paint, make sure you budget to have it dealt with appropriately before moving in. You cannot always just paint over lead-based paint, so take extreme caution. And remember, if you go to sell the home, it may affect decisions made by future buyers.