How to Find Good Tenants

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 8th 2024
Finding good tenants is crucial for a successful and stress-free rental property experience. Here are some steps and tips to help you find reliable and responsible tenants:

hash-markHow to Find Good Tenants For Rental Property

  1. Craft the Perfect Rental Listing
  2. Use Photos That Showcase Your Property 
  3. Correctly Price the Property 
  4. Utilize Online Advertising Platforms
  5. Screen Potential Tenants
  6. Verify Their Documents
  7. Ask For References
  8. Consider Professional Help

hash-mark1. Craft the Perfect Rental Listing

The first step for finding good tenants is to market your property. To attract quality renters, your property listing should be well-crafted, eye-catching, and informative. High-quality photos, accurate descriptions, and competitive pricing strategies are all essential elements of an effective listing.

hash-mark2. Use Photos That Showcase Your Property

Professional, well-lit photos can make all the difference in attracting potential tenants. Showcase your property's best features, such as spacious rooms, natural light, and unique amenities. Make sure to also include photos of common areas and the building's exterior.

The Power of Virtual Tours

In today's digital age, offering a virtual tour of your property can be a game-changer. This immersive experience allows potential tenants to visualize themselves in the space, giving them a sense of the layout and flow that photos alone cannot provide. 

hash-mark3. Correctly Price the Property

Pricing your rental property correctly is as crucial as the visual and descriptive aspects of your listing. Too high, and you might deter quality tenants; too low, and you could be leaving money on the table. 

Research comparable properties in your area to understand the market rate. Factors such as location, size, condition, and amenities all contribute to the rental price.

hash-mark4. Utilize Online Advertising Platforms

Online platforms are an essential marketing tool for advertising your rental property and finding good tenants. Leverage popular listing websites like Zillow, Trulia, and StreetEasy to reach a broad audience of potential tenants. These platforms offer a range of advertising options, from basic listings to premium placements, which can help you tailor your advertising strategy to your budget and needs. 

Explore the top platforms and understand the pros and cons of each to maximize your reach.

hash-mark5. Screen Potential Tenants

To find good tenants, it's essential to know how to screen potential renters. Consider factors such as credit history, rental history, and employment status to minimize the risk of issues with tenants. Careful screening of prospective tenants is crucial for maintaining a successful rental property. 

1. Make Sure You Use a Comprehensive Rental Application

A detailed rental application can be your first line of defense in the tenant screening process. Besides basic personal information, the application should ask for relevant details about the tenant's employment, income, past residences, and references. 

You can also include questions about their lifestyle, such as whether they have pets. However, ensure your application complies with the Fair Housing Act and local laws and regulations to avoid potential discrimination lawsuits.

2. Run Thorough Credit and Background Checks 

Conduct thorough credit checks and background screenings to assess a potential tenant's financial stability and history of responsible renting. Be aware of local regulations regarding the use of background checks and credit scores and comply with fair housing laws. 

While credit checks are a crucial part of assessing a potential tenant's financial stability, they don't always provide the full picture. A lower credit score could be due to various reasons, such as a lack of credit history or a past financial mishap that the tenant has since overcome. 

In such cases, other indicators of financial responsibility should be considered. For instance, a consistent income that is 3 times the rent amount is generally a good sign of ability to pay. 

A responsible and good tenant is more than just a credit score.

hash-mark6. Verify Their Documents

Verify a prospective tenant's employment status and income to ensure they can afford the rent. Request recent pay stubs or bank statements as proof of income, and consider contacting their employer to confirm their job stability.

Beyond just verifying current employment and income, it can be beneficial to examine a prospective tenant's employment history. A tenant with a stable employment history is likely to be more reliable when it comes to regular rent payments. 

hash-mark7. Ask For References

Ask for rental history and references from previous landlords. This can help you determine if the potential tenant has a history of late payments, property damage, or other issues that could impact your rental property.

While financial stability is crucial, a tenant's behavior can also significantly impact your rental property. When speaking with previous landlords, ask about the tenant's conduct. Did they respect property rules and maintain their rental unit well? Were there any complaints from neighbors about noise? 

hash-mark8. Consider Professional Help

If you’re unable to manage the tenant search yourself, consider hiring a property management company. Property managers charge set fees, but they are well worth it as they can handle advertising, tenant screening, lease agreements, and property maintenance.

hash-markFinding Good Tenants Bottom Line

Finding good tenants requires a combination of effective advertising, clear criteria, thorough screening, and good communication. By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of finding responsible tenants who will pay rent on time, take care of your property, and adhere to the lease terms. This will help you minimize potential issues and ensure a successful rental experience.