How Long Does It Take To Build a House?

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 19th 2024
It takes between 7 and 16 months to build a house. however, the time it takes to build a house can vary significantly based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the home, weather conditions, availability of materials, and labor.

hash-markAverage Time To Build a House

On average, it takes just over 8 months to build a new construction home. This amount of time typically consists of a month for authorization and planning permits, followed by about six months of construction. So it’s going to take over half a year before your house is ready to move into.

Many people aren’t in a situation where they can afford this type of timeline, but if you are, the ability to develop your own custom home can be a dream come true. Of course, this timeline is for homes that are being built with a professional construction company. If you plan on undergoing the building process yourself, it’s going to take you closer to a year, if not a little bit longer.

As we mentioned above, 8 months includes time for building permits, authorizations, and construction but doesn’t include the time it takes to plan the entire process. Custom builds require you to make a lot of decisions, which will lengthen the timeline for your new construction even more. 

Here’s a general breakdown of the stages and average timelines for building a house:

hash-markBuilding a House Timeline

Pre-Construction Phase (1-3 months)

1. Planning and Design (1-2 Months)

The planning and design phase typically takes one or two months. During the planning process, you’ll need to meet with the construction company to select a floor plan, structural features, and all of the designs you want to include. You may also work with an architect or designer to create blueprints, obtaining permits, and making decisions on materials and finishes.

If you’ve been planning your dream home in your mind for years, the planning process might be quicker. A lot of it will depend on how fast you can make decisions. Planning ahead of time as much as possible will certainly benefit you in the long run.

2. Site Preparation (1-4 weeks)

Site preparation includes clearing the land and leveling the site so that construction work can begin. You will also set up utilities like water, electricity, and sewage at this time. 

Construction Phase (6-12 months)

1. Foundation (1-2 months)

Activities: Excavation, pouring concrete footings, and foundation walls. This stage can be delayed by weather conditions.

2. Framing (1-3 months)

Activities: Constructing the skeleton of the house, including walls, floors, and roof. Windows and doors are often installed during this stage.

3. Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC (1-2 months)

Activities: Installing pipes, wiring, and ductwork for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

4. Insulation and Drywall (1-2 months)

Activities: Adding insulation to walls and ceilings, followed by hanging drywall and finishing with tape and mud.

Interior Finishes (2-3 months)

Activities: Installing flooring, cabinets, countertops, fixtures, and appliances. Painting and other finish work also occur during this stage.

Exterior Finishes (1-2 months)

Activities: Completing exterior work such as siding, roofing, windows, doors, and landscaping.

Final Steps (1-2 months)

Inspections (1-4 weeks)

Activities: Various inspections by local building authorities to ensure the house meets all codes and regulations.

Punch List (1-2 weeks)

Duration: 1-2 weeks

Activities: Addressing any final touch-ups or minor repairs identified during a walkthrough with the builder.

Final Walkthrough and Closing (1-2 weeks)

Activities: A final inspection by the homeowner, followed by closing procedures to finalize the purchase and hand over the keys.

Total Time to Build a House

Average Duration: 7-16 months

  • Custom homes and larger, more complex projects typically take longer.
  • Production homes built by large homebuilders can be completed more quickly, sometimes in as little as 4-6 months, due to more streamlined processes and fewer customizations.

hash-markWhat Slows Down New Construction Homes?

As we mentioned earlier, you should factor some time into your timeline for things to go wrong. Hopefully, nothing major happens, but there’s always the chance that the entire process won’t be quite as smooth as you hope it will be. The fact of the matter is that building a new home is complicated, and delays are very likely. Things to consider that could delay the building of your home include: 

Permits / Authorization Issues

You can’t do anything until you have authorization and the proper permits from the local planning and building department. How long this takes, however, can vary. Usually, it takes about a month, but it can take quite a bit longer if there are any problems. Things like zoning issues, property line disputes, or easements can pump the brakes on your new construction.

2. Location

Where you’re actually planning on constructing your house makes a difference to the timeline. Things such as the type of soil you’re building on and topographical factors such as building on a hill or rocky terrain can delay the building process. During the planning process, the construction company should have some idea about the ground that they are dealing with so they can provide you with an accurate timeline with the location in mind.

3. Weather Conditions

Of course, bad weather will delay construction, and there’s nothing you can do about the weather. If you’re living somewhere where the weather is temperate all year round, that would be good for you. But in most states, there will be some weather problems that will hold you up along the way. Temperature and precipitation or storms can delay the timeline of your home construction. That being said, the biggest delays will occur during the framing process. Once that’s over and done with, and there’s some sort of a roof over your home, the process should be able to speed up.

4. Home Style

If you’ve gone with a fairly generic floor plan and design features that aren’t too complicated, your construction time isn’t going to be as long as that of a very complex build. Now, you should still design the home to your likes and taste, and make sure that you include all the features that you want, but do be aware that more complex features will extend your timeline.

hash-markTips For Getting a New Build Underway

You want to be all moved into your new home as soon as possible, and you can’t wait for that to happen. But under no circumstances should you rush the build of a new construction home. You’ve put time, money, and effort into planning and designing your new home, and you want it to be as perfect as possible. But here are some tips for speeding up the process.

1. Have an Idea of What You Want

Before you start anything, do some research. You’re going to have to make a lot of decisions, and the more ahead of the game you can get, the better in the long run. Do some research ahead of time as to what to expect in the new build process and exactly what features and design you want to include.

2. Get Pre-approved

If you have a mortgage pre-approval you’ll have a better idea of what your financial situation is going to be before you start building. A pre-approval will help you to establish a budget so you know what features you can afford and what you need to prioritize or compromise on. Features and upgrades for your new build can add up quickly, so have an understanding as to what you can pay for and what might need to take a backseat. 

If you aren’t building in a development project the financing situation is going to vary. You won’t be dealing with a mortgage. You’re actually dealing with a construction loan that you will refinance into a standard mortgage upon completion of construction. But just as with a mortgage, the sooner you get started on financing, the better.

3. Hire the Right Construction Company

First, do some research as to what construction company you want to hire. If you aren’t opting for a construction company and intend to hire teams yourself to do the building it’s going to take a lot more research, time, and consideration. Once you’ve selected your contractor, make sure you start out on the right foot with a positive relationship based on respect. The worst thing you can do is go around making demands. Yes, it’s understandable that you want the home to be perfect, but causing rifts in the relationship with your contractor is only going to make the process more problematic.

Last but not least, if you have questions or concerns, just ask! You’re working with a construction company, or at least with contractors who know what they’re doing, and if you have done your due diligence and chosen the right people to work with they’ll be able to answer your questions. Most people undergoing and new home construction haven’t been through the process before, so, understandably, you won’t know what’s going on every step of the way. 

hash-markTime to Build a House Bottom Line

Although it can take 7 months to 16 months to build a house, it's important to be patient. This is your home. You want it to be designed your way and you’ve put a lot of money into the process, so you must be prepared to wait. A home that’s built exactly to your liking is a lot of people’s dreams, and it’s completely possible if you’re willing to put up with the extended timeline that it takes. That being said, planning will be your best friend when it comes to new home construction and speeding up the timeline.