11 Easy Ways To Spruce Up Your Home

By PropertyClub Team
May 16th 2024
Every home, no matter how loved or well-cared for, needs a refresh now and then. It's not about undertaking a major renovation or spending a small fortune. It's about small, simple changes that can breathe new life into your space and make it feel new again.

From giving your walls a fresh lick of paint to switching up your artwork, there are many things to do to refresh and liven up the feel of your home. So, we've compiled some of the easiest and most effective ways to refresh your space. Check them out below!

hash-mark11 Easy Ways To Spruce Up Your Home

  1. Embrace a Fresh Color Palette
  2. Deep Clean for a Sparkling Abode
  3. Light Up Your World
  4. Create a Green Oasis
  5. Cut the Clutter
  6. Revamp with Soft Furnishings
  7. Play Musical Chairs With Your Furniture
  8. Upgrade the Small Things
  9. Consider New Flooring
  10. Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal
  11. Get Art that Speaks to You

1. Embrace a Fresh Color Palette

Let's start with a game-changer - paint. A new color scheme can be the facelift your home needs. It's not just about giving the walls a fresh coat; think doors, cabinets, and even the ceiling. Whether you opt for a complete color overhaul or add a few accents here and there, the vibrancy of fresh paint can re-energize your living space.

According to Newline Painting, a house painting company in Melbourne and many other cities in Australia, you will need to choose the right type of paint for a room before you start. Certain types of paint are better suited to some rooms than others, so do your research beforehand. 

2. Deep Clean for a Sparkling Abode

When was the last time you cleaned your home? Not just the routine dusting and vacuuming but a deep, penetrating clean that reaches every nook and corner. Over time, hidden dirt and grime can make your home feel dull and lifeless. A thorough deep clean can restore the sparkle, making your home feel fresh and invigorating. Consider hiring professional house cleaners for this task; they'll get into those places you might overlook.

3. Light Up Your World

A well-lit home is a welcoming home. You'd be surprised at the difference a few well-placed light fixtures can make. Explore different types and layers of light - ambient, task, and accent. Replace old, dated fixtures with new, stylish ones that reflect your taste. Harness the power of natural light to make your home feel open and airy.

4. Create a Green Oasis

Your yard or garden is an integral part of your home, and a well-landscaped one can boost your home's aesthetics. Regular lawn maintenance, adding new plants or flowers, or installing a water feature can transform your yard into a beautiful green oasis. 

In addition, a comfortable outdoor seating area can serve as an extended living space to relax or entertain.

5. Cut the Clutter

Clutter makes your home look messy and impacts your mental well-being. Take time to sort through your belongings, letting go of items you don't need or use. This process can be therapeutic, making your home more spacious and organized.

6. Revamp with Soft Furnishings

Think of soft furnishings as your home's accessories. Changing your curtains, cushions, rugs, or bedding is like giving your home a new outfit. Opt for colors and patterns that blend with your decor, or make a statement with bold, vibrant hues.

7. Play Musical Chairs with Your Furniture

You don't need new furniture to create a unique look. Moving your existing pieces around can dramatically alter the appearance and flow of your space. It's about looking at your home with a fresh perspective and being open to new arrangements.

8. Upgrade the Small Things

You don't need to break the bank to spruce up your home. It's often the little things that make a big difference. Upgrading fixtures like door handles, drawer pulls, faucets, or light switches can add a modern, stylish touch to your home.  

You can also consider upgrading your bathroom, especially the tub and the shower area since they tend to accumulate dirt and mold quite easily. If it hasn’t been cleaned in years, it can be quite challenging to clean it up. That’s why we recommend getting new bathtub liners. Bath Fitters are a cost-effective solution that will make your bathtub look brand new.

9. Consider New Flooring

If your budget allows, new flooring can be a game-changer. Replacing an old carpet with hardwood or modern tiles can instantly update your home, making it feel cleaner, larger, and more luxurious.

10. Get Art that Speaks to You

Personalize your space with art that resonates with you. It could be paintings, family photos, or souvenirs from your travels. These items inject your personality into your space, making your house feel like a home. Remember, there's no right or wrong regarding art and personal items. It's about what brings you joy and tells your story.

11. Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal

Last but certainly not least, consider the exterior of your home. Simple upgrades to your front door, mailbox, or house numbers can significantly enhance your home's curb appeal. In addition, regular cleaning and maintenance of your home's exterior can make it as welcoming on the outside as on the inside.

hash-markSprucing Up Your Home Bottom Line

Sprucing up your home isn't just about making it look good for others. It's about creating a space you love that reflects your personality and style. It's about coming home to a place that brings you comfort and joy. Whether it's a complete paint job, a deep clean that leaves your home sparkling, or simply rearranging your furniture for a fresh new look, every little change contributes to making your home a better place to live.

So, start small and take one step at a time. You'll be motivated to do more as you see your home transform. And before you know it, you'll have created a home you're proud to show off and, more importantly, love to live in.