Bahia Grass: Everything You Need to Know

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 22nd 2024
Bahia grass is a popular warm-season grass known for its durability, low maintenance, and tolerance to heat and drought. It's commonly used in lawns, pastures, and sports fields across the southern United States. If you're considering Bahia grass for your landscape or looking to enhance its growth, here's a detailed guide addressing key questions about its growth, maintenance, and care.

Homeowners who live in the south have to deal with sandy soils and hot temperatures. As such, they need a type of grass that can handle the heat and dry spells. Bahia grass is a grass native to South America and is favored due to its resistant nature and fast growth. Bahia grass can handle hot climates and still manages to look good. It also produces healthy, thriving lawns in a wide range of soil conditions.

hash-markTable of Contents

How to Plant Bahia Grass Seed
How Long Does Bahia Grass Take to Grow?
Is Bahia Grass Good For Lawns?
When Should Bahia Grass be Planted?
How Long Does it Take Bahiagrass to Germinate?
How Long Does It Take for Bahia Grass to Reseed Itself?
How Do I Make My Bahia Grass Thicker?
Bahia Grass Fertilizer Schedule
Bahia Grass Bottom Line

hash-markHow to Plant Bahia Grass Seed

  1. Prepare and Till Your Lawn
  2. Add Fertilizer
  3. Spread the Bahia Grass Seed
  4. Water the Grass Seed
  5. Maintain Your Bahia Grass Lawn

1. Prepare and Till Your Lawn

The first step in planting bahia grass seed is preparing your lawn by removing any weeds and existing grass from your lawn. Bahia grass takes a while to establish, so weeds can prevent it from taking root properly. Till the top 2 inches of soil, taking care to remove any rocks, sticks, and clumps of dirt with a rake. 

2. Add Fertilizer

Next, add a layer of fertilizer rich with nitrogen and potassium. If you have a soil testing kit, test the soil and make sure that the pH levels are between 5.5 and 6.5. Add about 1 inch of fertilizers and mix it with the existing soil with the rake. 

3. Spread the Bahia Grass Seed

Now it's time to plan your bahia grass seed. Using a broadcast spreader, spread the grass seed evenly. You'll want to apply 1 pound of seed per 100 square feet of lawn. Rake the soil again to mix the seed and topsoil together in an even mixture.

4. Water the Grass Seed

After seeding your lawn, you need to adequately water the bahia grass seed. It's best to use a fine mist and continue to water daily unless you have heavy rainfall. Make sure that you are not overwatering, as this can cause soil erosion and wipe away the seeds. 

5. Maintain Your Bahia Grass Lawn 

After the grass germinates in 2 to 4 weeks, reduce watering to once or twice a week. You can also apply an additional layer of fertilizer to help with growth. Once the grass has grown to about 3 inches high, you can mow it for the first time. Do not mow it less than 1 ½” and make sure to remove grass clippings from the first mow.

hash-markHow Long Does Bahia Grass Take to Grow?

It takes around 3 to 6 weeks for bahia grass to grow, depending on the soil conditions. Bahia grass is a slow-growing grass that prefers warm soil. If the soil is warm enough for the grass to germinate, it can grow in as little as 3 weeks, but if it's colder it can take bahia grass 4 weeks just to begin germinating.  

hash-markIs Bahia Grass Good For Lawns?

Bahia grass is great for use in lawns in hot and dry climates. It also does well in poor soil conditions. Bahia grass has a deep root system, so it is very drought resistant, even in dry, hard soil such as clay and sand. It has a rough texture and is not as smooth as other grasses that grow in the north, and it grows best when it is exposed to full sunlight and less shade. Bahia grass also has a good tolerance for soil that does not drain well. 

hash-markWhen Should Bahia Grass be Planted?

The best time to plant bahia grass is during the late spring and early summer. Bahia grass is a warm-season grass and was imported from South America in the early 20th century. It is most active during the late spring and summer during the hot months. With proper care and the right climate, bahia grass can be a perennial grass that comes back year after year.  

Bahia grass is active during the summer months when it turns a bright green. When the cold months come in, the grass goes dormant, and it turns a dark brown or tan color. However, once environmental stressors subside, bahia grass can bounce back quickly. If maintained properly, it will go dormant in the winter and then spring back to life in the summer and start growing again.

hash-markHow Long Does It Take Bahiagrass to Germinate?

Bahia grass seeds typically germinate within 10 to 21 days under optimal conditions. The ideal soil temperature for germination is between 70°F to 95°F (21°C to 35°C). Consistent moisture and warmth are crucial for quick and successful germination. Ensure the soil is well-prepared and keep it moist during this period to encourage healthy seedling growth.

hash-markHow Long Does It Take for Bahia Grass to Reseed Itself?

Bahia grass typically takes about 2 to 3 months to reseed itself after flowering. The process begins when the grass produces seed heads, which are then dispersed by wind or animals. The seeds need optimal soil conditions, including moisture and temperature, to germinate successfully. You can expect to see new growth emerge within a few weeks after the seeds have settled into the soil.

hash-markHow Do I Make My Bahia Grass Thicker? 

Bahia grass will thin out over time, so the best way to maintain a thick Bahiagrass lawn is to overseed it to thicken the turf. 

Achieving a thicker Bahia grass lawn involves several key practices:

  • Proper Mowing: Mow your Bahia grass to a height of 2 to 4 inches. Avoid cutting it too short, as this can stress the grass and reduce its density.
  • Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring and summer to promote healthy growth. Bahia grass benefits from nitrogen-rich fertilizers, which enhance its thickness and overall health.
  • Watering: Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering. This encourages deep root growth and strengthens the grass.
  • Aeration: Aerate your lawn annually to alleviate soil compaction and improve root penetration. This allows water, nutrients, and air to reach the roots more effectively.
  • Overseeding: Overseed your lawn with Bahia grass seed in the late spring or early summer to fill in bare spots and enhance density. Make sure to use fresh, high-quality seed. The best time to overseed is during the spring, a month or two before the hottest part of the year. Bahia grass will not grow properly if you try to plant it during the fall, as it won’t have time to establish itself and will dry out during the winter. 

Bahia grass will also grow thicker if you keep up a regular watering and fertilizer schedule. 

hash-markBahia Grass Fertilizer Schedule

Proper fertilization is essential for maintaining a lush, green Bahia grass lawn. Here’s a recommended fertilizer schedule:

  • Early Spring (March - April): Apply a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer with a balanced ratio, such as 16-4-8 or 20-5-10. This supports new growth and prepares the grass for the growing season.
  • Mid-Summer (July - August): Apply a second round of fertilizer, focusing on a high-nitrogen formula to boost growth and density. Avoid fertilizing during the hottest part of the summer to prevent stress on the grass.
  • Fall (October - November): Apply a light dose of fertilizer to help the grass recover from summer stress and prepare for winter dormancy. Use a fertilizer with a balanced nutrient ratio, such as 12-4-8.

hash-markBahia Grass Bottom Line

Bahia grass is an excellent choice for warm climates, offering resilience and low maintenance. By understanding its growth habits, proper care practices, and maintenance schedule, you can ensure a healthy, thick, and vibrant lawn. Whether you're reseeding, overseeding, or simply maintaining your existing lawn, these tips will help you achieve the best results with Bahia grass. While it takes a bit of work to establish a bahia grass lawn it's well worth it as it looks great and is relatively easy to maintain and care for.