Arm’s Length Transaction: Real Estate Guide

By PropertyClub Team
Jul 22nd 2024
An arm's length transaction in real estate refers to a deal in which the buyer and seller act independently, have no relationship to each other, and have no conflict of interest. This ensures that both parties are acting in their own best interests and that the agreed-upon price is fair and reflective of the market value. Here's a detailed look at the concept and its implications:

hash-markWhat Is An Arm’s Length Transaction?

An arm’s length sale is a transaction in which there is no close relationship between the buyer and the seller. It suggests that both parties act independently of one another, have little or no influence over each other, and act primarily in their own best interest. During an arm’s length purchase, it can be assured that the buyer and seller are not subject to any pressures from the other party. Generally speaking, members of an arm’s length transaction fall into the following categories:

  • Both parties involved have no prior relationship with one another, particularly no familial or friendship ties.
  • A sale between family members or companies with related shareholders would not be considered an arm’s length sale. 
  • The primary objective of an arm’s length transaction is to ensure that properties are priced at fair market value.

hash-markWhy Are Arm’s Length Transactions Important In Real Estate?

Assuming that both parties have equal information about the concerned property, an arm’s length transaction usually ensures that the property will be sold at as close to fair market value price as possible.

Think about it; the seller will want to get the highest possible price for the property, and the buyer will be interested in striking up a deal and getting the home for a lower price. What this typically means is that the agreed-upon sale price will land closer to fair market value than it would if the buyer and seller knew each other and came to some sort of negotiation. Because of this, it also makes it significantly easier to accurately estimate the taxes due on a property, since they are usually based heavily on the fair market value.

hash-markWhat Is A Non Arm’s Length Transaction?

Obviously, you can then deduce that a non arm’s length transaction is precisely the opposite. This is a transaction in which the seller and buyer have some sort of prior relationship, whether that be familial, friendly, or a business partnership. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that the sale will be questionable, it does potentially leave more room for some form of manipulation or negotiation. The primary concern with non arm’s length transactions is the likelihood that they can create a hotbed for fraud or tax evasion.

Furthermore, a non arm’s length sale can mess with the fair market value of a property because of the higher likelihood that the buyer and seller will strike some sort of a deal between them. 

hash-markNon Arm's Length Transaction Examples

Family Transactions

The most common non arm's length sales are when property is sold between family members, such as a parent selling to a child. These transactions might involve favorable terms not available in an open market.

Business Associates

Sales between business partners or between a company and its employees can also be considered non-arm's length if they involve special arrangements.

Friends and Acquaintances

Deals between friends or acquaintances, where the relationship could influence the terms of the transaction are also non-arm's length transactions. 

hash-markProblems With Non Arm's Length Sales

The primary problem with a non arm’s length sale tends to be a mortgage lenders’ reluctance to finance the transaction. Lenders might decide to take extra precautions in these situations as a way of protecting themselves against potential fraud or scams. It should also be noted that a non arm’s length transaction can also have the potential to harm a personal relationship, and so should be handled with the utmost care and consideration.

hash-markHow to Perform a Fair Non Arm's Length Transaction

While a non arm’s length transaction might leave the door open for complications, it can be done fairly. Below are some tips for completing a fair non arms length transaction:

  1. Make sure that the current owner of the property is not behind on their mortgage payments. This could be a risky oversight when selling property between family members.
  2. It’s best to hire an attorney or experienced real estate agent to help you deal with the sale. While a non arm’s length transaction is completely legal and can be done fairly and with good intention, it’s a good idea to have proper representation should there be some sort of oversight.
  3. Hire a title company to protect against any unpaid debts that might be attached to the property.

While an arm’s length sale is more common and, in many ways, easier to navigate, that certainly doesn’t mean that a non arm’s length sale can’t go smoothly. It just means that extra care and consideration should be made to ensure that both parties are content and that the sale is completed legally and without potential risky consequences. If you are unsure about how to correctly handle a sale where there is a relationship between buyer and seller, it’s best to seek legal or expert advice.

hash-markArm’s Length Transactions Bottom Line

An arm's length transaction in real estate is fundamental to ensuring fair market value, transparency, and the absence of conflicts of interest in property sales. Arm's length sales are the most common type of real estate transactions and are also the smoothest. As the buyer and seller don't have a prior relationship in an arm's length transaction, each will act in their own interests, ensuring the house sells for fair market value. This will also make it easier to get approved for a mortgage, as many lenders can be wary of issuing loans for non arm's length transactions.