How Often Do Contingent Offers Fall Through? 

Jul 6th 2024
Contingent offers rarely fall through, with only 4% of contingent offers on a home not closing. However, this percentage can fluctuate widely depending on the circumstances. Read on to learn more about the various contingencies that might impact an offer and what you can expect with your deal. 

Contingent offers in real estate are quite common, and at times, a deal can fall through if they are not met. This depends on several factors, including market conditions, the specifics of the contingencies, and the diligence of both the buyer and seller. Let’s go over how contingencies can impact an offer on a home to give you a better idea of what to anticipate. 

hash-markCommon Contingencies in Real Estate Offers

Home Sale Contingency 

A person often sells an old home to purchase a new one unless this is their first time investing in a home. A home sale contingency deals with this aspect. It gives the buyer a number of days to find someone to purchase their old home. If they don’t, they might need to leave the offer behind.

Most sellers don’t accept this contingency often because it could lead to neither home selling. However, if it is in place, remember that the buyer will need to find someone who will quickly purchase their home. A home sale contingency requires everything to move quickly. For this reason, home sale contingencies are some of the most common contingents offers to fall through.

Financing Contingency 

Financing contingencies are dependent on the approval of a loan. If a lender does not approve a loan, there is no way the potential buyer can purchase the house. The potential buyer can back out and permit the offer to fall through before getting in over their heads.

Mortgages play a critical role in purchasing a home. Most places in recent years are purchased with help, so a loan approval that does not go through is one of the most prominent reasons a contingent offer might fall through. Therefore, finance contingencies are vital for many people to ensure security.

Home Inspection Contingency 

The home inspection contingency is another one that comes up often. Buyers ask for inspection contingencies to ensure they’re getting what they paid for in a home. If problems appear, a potential buyer can ask the seller to fix them. If these fixes don’t happen, a potential buyer back out and get their money back. Most home inspections end well for both sides. However, some might cause the interested party to back out. They’re critical if you want to make sure the house is in good condition and won’t need unforeseen repairs.

Title Contingency 

A title contingency deals with the title of a home. This item is a record of ownership. It proves who has occupied the space in the past. It also displays judgments or liens that are critical to know before anyone new moves into the area.

Any issues with the title can cause an offer to fall through. It can be a big issue for the new owners of the home. The title is one of the most critical pieces when considering a new place. Take a look at this contingency ahead of time for the best results.

Appraisal Contingency 

An appraisal contingency is one of the most common reasons offers fall through. Most people take out mortgages to purchase a new home. If the buyer's lender appraises the home and it doesn’t meet what they’ve agreed to pay, they can deny the loan. Lenders don’t want to pay more for a home than it might be worth or they risk the mortgage being underwater. Buyers can make up the difference, but that doesn't always happen. The appraisal contingency protects buyers and lenders from making poor investments in a new home. It will show you what the property is really worth, which can make or break a deal.

First Right Of Refusal Contingency 

The first right of refusal contingency is an alternative to the home sale contingency. The seller can keep their home on the market to look for better offers, even after an offer has occurred. 

If another offer comes in, the current buyer has a certain number of days to sell their old home. If they don’t do it during this period, the offer can be switched to the second person. It protects the seller and allows them to make as much money as possible on the sale.

hash-markHow Often Do Contingent Offers Fall Through Bottom Line

While contingent offers fall through about 3-5% of the time on average, the actual likelihood can vary based on many factors. Understanding the common contingencies and the reasons they may fail, along with taking steps to mitigate these risks, can help buyers and sellers navigate contingent offers more successfully. By being well-prepared and flexible, both parties can increase the chances of a successful real estate transaction.

hash-markHow Often Do Contingent Offers Fall Through FAQs

1. How long do contingency offers last? 

Most of the time, contingency offers last anywhere from thirty to sixty days, but some could last as long as ninety days, depending on the offer. After this time has passed, the home will be yours, or you can get your money back and start the search for the next space.

2. Do sellers like contingent offers? 

Sellers appreciate some contingencies, such as the first right of refusal contingency. They serve to protect the income of the seller and keep the buyer on track. However, not all contingencies benefit the seller or have to be accepted by them on a contract put forth by the buyer.

3. Can a seller accept another offer while contingent? 

There are cases where a seller can accept another offer while contingent. Clear rules must be in place, and all parties need to be aware of what’s going on at all times. Rules and regulations for this matter vary by state.

4. Can you bid on a house that is contingent? 

You can put in a bid on a house that’s contingent. Although you might not get the home, it will push you to the front of the line if the offer falls through. From then, you can make the house yours. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s worth a shot.