Real Estate Market Reports & Analysis

The Most Expensive Zip Codes in America Post-Covid-19

How is coronavirus impacting the US luxury real estate market? We’ve taken a look at the most expensive zip codes in the nation. Here’s what we found.

Here’s How Apartment Rents in the Country’s Top 20 Metros Changed During Obama, Trump Administrations

The U.S. housing market can be impacted by a variety of different things, including economic shifts, global trends, and of course, politics. The country’s political climate has a significant influence on prices across all sectors, but in the U.S., housing prices are a sensitive topic. We wanted to see how the political scene of the past years has reflected in housing prices across the country’s biggest metro areas.

New York City Renters Stand to Win Big if Landlords are Required to Pay Broker Fees

The New York Department of State unexpectedly banned broker fees for New Yorkers renting an apartment last week, throwing the local real estate industry into a whirlwind. Residential brokers are understandably furious and have already gone to court and obtained a temporary restraining order halting the ban, but for renters, the new rules might make life a lot easier. We’ve crunched over a week’s worth of data that shows the average New Yorker would save close to four thousand dollars, even if landlords increase monthly rents.

The 50 Best-Selling NYC Neighborhoods from 2010 to 2020

New York City is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, but it’s also one of the most desirable. Even with home prices on the rise, there are still eager homebuyers out there who are willing to invest in property in the city. We looked at a decade’s worth of home sales in NYC, to see which parts of the city are the most appealing to homebuyers.

Which US Cities Saw the Highest Jumps in Rent from 2010 to 2020? Spoiler Alert: It’s Not New York or San Francisco

Rents have been on a constant, steady rise pretty much all over the U.S. in the past years. Over the past decade, some cities like NYC or San Francisco have become utterly unaffordable for the average renter. Interestingly enough, when it comes to mapping out where rents have increased the most over the past ten years, these cities aren’t the only ones in the spotlight.

2019 Wrap-Up: The 50 Largest NYC Homes Sales of the Year All Closed in Manhattan

The New York City real estate market has had a pretty good year. The home sales that closed this year, some of them breaking records, proved that living in the Big Apple is still a dream for many. As the year comes to a close, we decided to look back and see which were the biggest home sales to close in the city in 2019, and lo and behold, they’re all in Manhattan.

Looking to Buy a Home in 2020? Go Big in Texas! $250k Gets You 6 Times More Space in Houston Than in NYC

Becoming a homeowner is the classic American dream, but in recent years it’s been pushed further and further out of reach, at least for most people. But popular cities like San Francisco or New York aren’t the only places where this dream is losing traction; the affordability problem is widespread across the globe. On that note, we wanted to see how much space you could buy with $250,000 in the biggest cities in the world. Keep reading to see if you could afford to buy a place in these 50 global cities.

These Are the 20 Best-Selling NYC Residential Buildings in 2019

Luxury housing has had a significant moment in New York City this year, and not just in Manhattan. Upscale condos are selling like hotcakes, and developers are hard at work building taller and fancier residential towers. Today, we’re taking a look at the best-selling buildings in NYC in 2019.

Here’s How Long the Average New Yorker Has to Save Up for a Down Payment in NYC Neighborhoods in 2019

Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, living in New York City doesn’t come cheap. Renting is becoming more and more expensive, which is why many New Yorkers are thinking of buying their own place. That’s not as easy as it sounds, as home prices in the city can reach sky-high levels. Opting for a mortgage seems like the best option, but saving up for a down payment can take some time. We’re looking at how long it would take the average homebuyer to save up for a down payment in 100 NYC neighborhoods.

Here’s How Much $1.5K Rents You in the Top 50 Global Cities Today vs 5 Years Ago

We all know that renting or buying property in New York City is more expensive than ever, with more and more people being priced out of the Big Apple. The situation is similar in other major U.S. cities like San Francisco, Seattle or Los Angeles, where the dream of owning your own home is beginning to fade out. And, if you don’t like mortgage payments, you’re better off renting, as it can take decades to save up for a home in these cities.

A Round-Up of the Biggest Home Sales to Close in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens in Q3 2019

Fall is officially in season in New York City, which means it’s time for our quarterly round-up of the biggest home sales in the city. This time around, we thought we’d spice things up by looking separately at the top home sales in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, to showcase the price differences among these boroughs. We checked public sales records from the DOF to extract the 20 largest home sales to close during Q3 2019 in each borough.

The 50 Most Affordable Streets and Neighborhoods in NYC

New York City is notoriously expensive, and many streets and neighborhoods are off-limits for the average homebuyer. However, there are still areas in the city where the dream of owning your own home can come true. We’ve rounded up the most affordable streets and cheapest neighborhoods in NYC in 2019, based on official sales data from the NYC Department of Finance.